Workshop on FMA Child Protection Policy organized by CDEW Society at Sacred Heart Convent, Bangalore on 25th & 26th September 2015
CDEW organized two day’s workshop on FMA child protection policy for province of Bangalore on 25th & 26th September 2015. There were 40 sisters who took part in the workshop from various centers of the province. Fr. Joe Xavier SJ and Sr. Isabella Alphonse FMA were the resource persons. Sr. Crescentia D’Almeida inaugurated the workshop. Fr. Joe Xavier SJ, who is also the consultant for FMA Child Protection policy explained the policy in detail and also made the participants to understand the importance of keeping records and maintaining documentations related to Child issues. Sr. Isabella Alphonse, Co ordinator for NDF, explained about the journey towards the formation and the emergence of the Child Protection policy FMA India. There were group discussions, mock case presentations and discussions based on those presentations. This helped the participants to understand the policy in depth. Participants drafted action plans to be followed in the province. Fr. Joe clearly brought out the crux of the policy that is “Zero Tolerance” towards child issues. It was a fruitful two day workshop and all the participants were enlightened with the policy.