On 15th November 2014, NCP Children of Puthiyathura celebrated children’s Day cum campaign against Child Abuse at Puthiyathura. 178 children participated along with animators, volunteers and teachers. The celebration and campaign started with a rally. This rally provided awareness on child trafficking, need of child protection and various atrocities against children at family and society. Fr. Joby Payyappally, Parish vicar flag off the rally and gave the message. He emphasized on the need of child protection and the role of family where children are shaped either by its comfortable or cruel atmosphere. He said that the family lays the foundation for the children’s personality.
Sr. Lizy Scaria, Superior spoke about the children’s rights - The rights to Survival, right to development, right to protection and right to participation. A child becomes full- fledged when he/ she receives all these rights, especially the rights to participation. It includes an appropriate platform for the child to speak up confidently.
After the rally they had variety of entertainment for the children. They were given snacks and cool drinks. All the children were very happy and expressed their love and gratitude for arranging the programme for them. They went home happily with the good message. We thank CDEW and the coordinators for their support and encouragement. The day ended with thanking the Lord for His Marvelous love and care for each one of us.