The 14th Annual Meet was held at Atma Darshan in Aluva, Kerala from 15th to 18th December, 2017. The chief Guest Rev. Fr. Philip Parakatt SDB, the former member of Kerala State Commission for protection of Child Rights inaugurated the 14th FMA NDF Annual Meet by presenting the keynote address. Rev. Fr. Joseph Xavier SJ, Consultant NDF and Assistant Director of JRS. Sr. Ancy Mathew provincial delegate of Bangalore province were present for the inaugural ceremony. Sr. Isabella Alphonse, NDF Coordinator welcomed all the dignitaries, SDCs and all the participants of the seven provinces.
During this inaugural session there was the release of the 13th Annual Report, The Newsletter and FMA India Social Ministry Policy.
Mr. Haridas, Caritas India conducted half day session on Monitoring and Evaluation techniques of programmes and projects. He enriched the participants with various types of formats and techniques for monitoring the projects.
The theme of the Annual Meet was “Child Protection Policy and Safe Guarding Procedures- A Review.” Based on the theme Fr. Joe Xavier SJ, the consultant animated the following 3 days. The main thrust was given on the following topics.
• Five Year Plan-its implementation. Our work done and experience.
• CPP Feedback & Amendments – What have been done, What are the new learning, What challenges and what areas to be amended, significant changes?
• Annual Report sharing and
• The common discussion.
This NDF meet has taken the responsibility to facilitate and provide a platform for knowledge sharing, networking and partnership.
The whole programme came to the climax with an exposure to the various important places in Kaladi and Malayatoor.