• 7259730311
  • cdewfma@gmail.com


Energy improves the quality of people’s lives by producing clean water, and healthier atmosphere for living and working. These activities with simple technologies provides the income for the ordinary living for the poor families of our society.

CDEW promotes income-generating program for almost all the centers of our province. The most beneficiaries of these activities are women and children. They are taught new methods of farming and agriculture with minimum expenses and high benefits. At this moment, with the support of CDEW they receive many have started new initiative with which they do the cow raring, goat raring, pig raring, rabbit raring, vegetable cultivation and cardamom plantation etc. Making organic manure and Vermi compost has produced high quality garden products, which are sold in the markets easily. With the profit of this IGP their families are supported, education of the children are taken care of, better health and sanitation facilities are provided and social standards of the families are improved. During this pandemic while all the people were struggling and suffering financially, these IGP groups were able to manage their daily living since they were helped to start these new initiatives.