• 7259730311
  • cdewfma@gmail.com

NLP Training Program - 2016

A Neuro Linguistic Programming Training was held in Different states and centers under the leadership and coordination of Sr. Rosy Lopez, CDEW. The well equipped and known resource persons led the Training in different Regions of Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. The participants for the training involved were sisters, teachers and social workers. Training was adorned with many practical aspects in order to make the sessions useful for the participants to carry out in their future occasions. The training in Kerala was held on 15th and 16th of September under the guidance of Fr. Kuriakose with 30 Participants. The Andhra Predash training was held from 8th to 10th September under the supervision of Dr. Mahimai Prakash with 35 Participants. The Karnataka region NLP training was on 29th and 30th of October under the leadership of Dr. Mahimai Prakash with 45 participants. The fruitful initiatives made by Sr. Rosy Lopez CDEW with the motive of empowering the sisters, teachers and the social workers reaped the harvest with 100% success.