12 th January 2017 a training programme for the NCP was organized. 50 members were present.
Topics dealt with:
Why should we have Children’s Parliaments
64 children attend this coaching centre. Out of them 30 children come under the catogory of very poor children who have never attended the school. They are brought by the CWC. Special care is taken of these children and lot of improvement seen in this group.
Training on marketing and financial management for SHG at Maradiyur: 14.01.2017
65 SHG members attended the training programme. The women expressed that they are capacitated and empowered and able to stand on their own without depending on their husbands even for official matters.
The resource person stressed the points: on Building up Self Confidence, Positive thinking, Planning, Goal setting, preparation of family budget and income and expenditure.
Leadership Training for NCP at Maradiyur: 15 th January 2017
Around 150 children were present. They were divided into 2 different groups based on their age.
Topics dealt with are:
• The present day functioning of leadership
• How to form and sustain a Children’s Parliament
• A Mock parliament