Maria Nivas Nandigama celebrated ORANGE DAY on 25th Nov 2014. The theme was based on the slogan “We Stand for Anti - Human Trafficking”. This occasion provided an opportunity to know the lives of various young girls and women who passed through struggles and difficulties in their lives yet stood firm for what they believed and what they wanted to achieve in their lives.
Girls of Class 8 and 9 dressed up in orange colors shared the lives of Mother Teresa, Malala, Indira Gandhi, Madam Curie, Laura Vicuna, Sania Mirza etc…….
Finally the greatest Model for all women none other than Mother entered the stage and assured her protection to all the Girls and Women. All together they sang a song saying “with Mary as our guide let’s walk hand in hand to bring a new world, a world of Peace, harmony, equality and Justice”. Whole school joined in one voice to Pray the Prayer for Anti – Human Trafficking.
Rev. Sr. Fatima Antony, the Media Co-coordinator gave a message exhorting everyone to treat every girl and women with respect and Dignity.