In India, rapid urban growth and sprawling slums put urban child into “difficult circumstances” which poses a menace to his/her physical, social and emotional development. These conditions are inextricable in a developing nation like India where fast growing cities become hubs of anti-social elements. Despite the numerous efforts of government and NGOs to curb social evils and provide security measures, children are still under the risk of being in hazardous situations. Amelioration from this current plight of children becomes an urgent need of the hour.
As an outcome of the commitment in their service to protect children from all kinds of abuse, exploitation, organizational negligence and intentional or unintentional harm, FMA has formulated FMA - Child Protection Policy – which puts into practice, their care, concern and intervention among children in difficult circumstances. All FMA centres – the sisters, staff and students, volunteers, educating community, networking agencies, benefactors and well-wishers upholds this principle and are trained to take action in need.
To put this principle into practice, FMA- Bangalore Province has organized CPP training in all the schools and community centres under the province. The training has covered school teachers, students, community volunteers, staff and management of CDEW centres and Child Protection Officers. The training, not only imparted clarity on the concept, but also provided practical inputs to take action when required.