International women’s day was celebrated at Auxilium Preethi Nivas, Mysore on 4th March, based on the theme “Inspiring Change for Women’s Empowerment”. At 9.30 a.m. all the women around 250 of them from 28 S.H.G groups and from 9 villages, gathered together, at the entrance of the main village of Maradiyur for a rally. Mrs. Rajamma, the leader of Jyothi SHG inaugurated the Rally. Mrs. Shylaja the Women co-coordinator led the Rally and all marched enthusiastically towards Auxilium Preethi Nivas, holding their banners and Placards shouting out the slogans, in one chorus, “We are not weak but strong! We are equal to man! Respect our Rights! No more violence against women! Women Rise! Know your Rights! Demand Your Rights!!.”
Sr. Agnes Fernandez, the Local animator, welcomed the Guests of honour, local Government representatives and all the eminent women leaders from the Zillah Panchayat and Government schools, Bank officials and all the women participants. With the gentle steps the SHG women led all the people to enter into the sacred moments of the day. In the Inaugural Address , Sr. Rosy congratulated the women of Maradiyur for their enthusiasm and active involvement & highlighted the theme “ Inspiring Change for Empowerment of Women” quoting Jonalyn from Laura Vicuna Foundation Philippines who was abused from the tender age of 2 to 6 Years, who was brought to the Salesian Institute and educated and formed a group to counteract the atrocities suffered by her, and make it known to the world and to prevent it in the future for others. She emphasized also on the young and courageous Girl of Pakistan “Malala” who stood for the Right of Girl’s Education in spite of receiving Bullets from Taliban army and won the Nobel Prize for Junior Girls from the UNO.
Mrs. Rosy Women coordinator of Panchayat, stressed on the benefits of Women’s Groups and the Government support available for various Women Development programmes. Mrs. Margaret, a High School teacher highlighted the various roles of women, at home and in the Society and the need for Girls’ Education. Sr. Anna. T. exalted the various outstanding women who brought about marvelous changes in the Society single handed, such as Hellen Keller, Kasturba Gandhi, Dr. Annie Ward, Mother Theresa etc., who can be our inspiration and models. Varieties of Cultural items performed by the various groups added colour to the day and aroused enthusiasm in the hearts of women. All the groups expressed their joy to celebrate their day exhibiting their talents, power, courage and unity. The role models of inspiring women’s lives were also enacted by them. They were also given awareness about Orange Day which spurred them to work in solidarity to stop violence against women and took pledge to promote the lives of women and girl children in their locality. Prizes were distributed to the winners of the various cultural competitions conducted earlier and the Shanthi SHG won the overall rolling Shield for this year 2014.