30 women of the Parish as planned earlier came for the Holy Mass on March 8th. They took active part in the liturgy, one of them did the reading, had special prayer of the faithful praying for the theme of the day, they kept up the singing etc. Sr. Rosa who is in charge of the ' Mathrusangam' in the Parish gave a talk on the role of women in the family as mothers. They decided together to go for the rally organized by the Diocese of Thamaraserry. On 9th there was a big rally of Catholic women from all the parishes. They were about 12 thousand women shouting slogans against Gadkil Mathaav and Kasthurirngan report. They made a big show of women power. This was followed by 2 hours of Dharna in front of the collecterate of Calicut. Our mothers of the Parish took active part and remained till the end.