It was a joy to celebrate the International Women’s day in our campus. The tailoring women of our centre, that of Pambadi centre and few women from the nearby villages gathered together in our tailoring hall at 10.30 a.m. They were 35 in number. Since the exams were going on for their children many women were not able to come for this programme. In the hall some of the great women’s pictures were put on the notice board and they were interested to know them and their achievements in their lives.
The chief speaker of the day was Adv. Mr. Ravikumar and Mr. Shaji, Secretary of HILFE, Kerala Region. Sr. Lilly Puliyani was the president of the function. The programme began with a short prayer service. Sr. Anne Augustine welcomed the gathering. Mr. Shaji felicitated the gathering and he highlighted some of the ordinary women’s achievements and Sr. Lilly shared a beautiful thought on women’s development and progress and she handed over the mike to Adv. Mr. Ravikumar and invited him to conduct the session. He spoke mainly on the Rights of Women to Equality and the importance of taking care of the elderly parents. As he explained the theme of the day he also quoted so many examples of day today happening in the society.
He said that the women got many rights but they do not know how to get and fight for it. After the session a short time was given for clarifying their doubts. Many of them had doubts concerning their rights. They were given two books namely “Niyamapadam” and “Sthriyum Niyamavum”. Mrs. Vincy Mathew, one of the tailoring students proposed vote of thanks. The participants were given refreshment.