With joy and enthusiasm 400 women from 33 SHG’s of Maradiyur and surrounding 12 villages, gathered on 10-03-2015, at Samudaya Bhavan, Koppa to celebrate the International Women’s Day. The day began with Rally which was inaugurated by Mrs. Rosy the Taluk women’s coordinator, the women wearing the cap announcing to the public the specialty of the day.
After the Rally, all gathered in the hall and welcomed the distinguished guests: Tahasildar of Periyapatna Mr. Talwar the chair person, Panchayath President Mrs. Savithri Raman, Bank Manager of Bylakuppe Mr. Nayak, Taluk women’s coordinator Mrs. Rosy, Ex – CDEW Directress Sr. Anna. T and Sr. Agnes the local Directress and the Representative from Police authorities and other women’s organization.
After a short prayer dance, the Kuttuvillaku was lit invoking God’s presence.
The chief guest Mr. Talwar congratulated the women and said their progress is in their hands. The Government is giving many helps through various programmes for their development as well as financial helps to Mahila Sanghas. Women must unite and make use of it to improve themselves, but at times, it is women themselves who stand as an obstacles through their non co-operation. Mr. Nayak the Bank Manager highlighted the availability of Bank services for the development of the women. Mrs. Rosy the Taluk women’s coordinator highlighted the various programmes, subsidies available today and how to benefit and to avail it for their development through groups. The Panchayath president congratulated the women for their enthusiasm and interest and exhorted them to be united. Mr. Lokesh the news reporter, advised the women not to be silent when a wrong image of women is given in the media.
Sr. Anna. T brought the example of Malala Youscph Sai, the 17 year old Pakistani girl who shared the Nobel prize for peace along with Mr. Kailash Sathyamurthy of India. Malala for her courage and strength in fighting against Taliban for the rights of girl child and Mr. Sathyamurthy for his dedicated services to thousands of poor children for their education. Sr. Agnes the Directress congratulated the women for their active participation and hard work put in to make this function a success. She exhorted and encouraged them telling the progress they need to make this year is to enter into the political field and stand for Panchayath election. True growth takes place only when women play their role in all the fields along with men.
The various cultural programmes as Dance and Songs on women by various groups and elaborate report on the functioning of the groups by Mrs. Suhasini kept every one alert and enlightened. The prizes were distributed by the chief guests to the winners of various competitions held earlier. The rolling trophy went to "Nirmal Jyothi" SHG of Maradiyur.
After a sumptuous meal they went home happily with sweet memories of the day. It was also praise worthy to note that there were lots of local collaborators as many people came forward to support this day’s programme with their financial assistance too.
May the women climb up their ladders by which they may become valuable women of India as we have many models today.