8th of March was dawned with the tone of Music and we began the day with the Eucharistic Celebration. All the SHG members together with the other groups of women of the Parish took Part in the Holy Mass. Thus we were one with the women of the whole World. It was animated by the SHG leaders. The Church was full for the morning Mass. It was very beautiful too see that so many of them took part in it.
An awareness class was conducted for the women about
- The child/women trafficking
- The rights of the children and women
- The duties of the parents towards the children
- Care needed for the Integral growth of the children.
The classes began at about 10.30 and they were nearly 105 people. The progamme was inaugurated by Sr. Superior and the resource person for awareness class was Mr. Bju Joosa the child line support organization member and the child parliament & Anti-alcoholic coordinator of the Trivandrum Dioceses. In the inaugural talk Sr. Lizy spoke of the role of women.
She should be able to give courage and strength to others in spirit and body, in words and deeds and inside and outside of her, able to recognize the danger that is hidden in the honey speech of a person with a poisonous heart.
A woman is a Mother, sister, a model of patience, mercy and compassion.
Mr. Bju Joosa then began the class with a video programme in which they were able to see how the relationships of the parents and child should be. He dealt with the expectations of the child from the parents. The mother to be close to him/her to listen and to answer to his/her questions. In today’s world it is very difficult as parents are going for work. But this is the need of the hour. The second point was the responsibility of the parents towards the integral growth of the children. If the parents are not careful in caring for the children they will end up their lives in drugs and alcoholism and become the victim of Mass media. Only through the communication with the children and listening to the children we will be able to know their needs and their desires and feelings. We need to protect them from these evils. The children are cheated and they are becoming victims of these evils without their knowledge. In the same time we need to respect their needs, feelings and ideas. Yet we must know how far we can believe them and leave them alone. So after the class we came with an action plan to work hand in hand with all the groups of the parish and the grama panchayat against drugs abuse and alcoholism.
Then at the end the prizes were distributed to the groups which did well in their groups especially the auditing of the accounts. Then lunch was served to all the participants. Finally we thanked the Lord for the marvells He has done through different people.